MFPRSI. Municipal Fire & Police Retirement System of Iowa

Disability Retirement

Accidental Disability Benefit


A “Member in Good Standing” is eligible at any age with any length service. To qualify, the member must have a total and permanent (defined as lasting a year or more) incapacity from duty as the result of an injury or disease incurred in or aggravated by the actual performance of duties, or arising out of or in the course of the employment, as defined by statute. Any heart, lung, respiratory tract disease, or cancer and infectious disease as defined by the statute (see below) are presumed to have been contracted in the line of duty. "Cancer" means prostate cancer, primary brain cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer, malignant melanoma, leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, bladder cancer, colorectal cancer, multiple myeloma, testicular cancer, and kidney cancer. “Infectious disease" means HIV or AIDS as defined in Iowa Code Section 141A.1, all strains of hepatitis, meningococcal meningitis, and mycobacterium tuberculosis.

To establish a mental injury is eligible for an accidental disability, the injury must be traceable to a readily identifiable work event constituting a manifest happening of a sudden traumatic nature from an unexpected cause or unusual strain in the workplace. Whether an event is traumatic, unexpected, or unusual is determined by comparing the incident to the experiences of other police officers or firefighters in Iowa.

Pre-existing condition

Sections 411.6(5)(a) of the Iowa Code clarifies when a medical condition is known to exist. For disability applications, a medical condition is known to exist on the date the membership commenced if it is reflected in any record or document completed or obtained as a result of the System’s medical protocol (medical entrance exams) or in a document obtained during the disability application process.

Ordinary Disability Benefit


A “Member in Good Standing” is eligible at any age with any length of service. To qualify, the member must have a permanent (defined as lasting a year or more) incapacitating disability which does not meet the definition of an accidental disability.

Pre-existing condition

Section 411.6(3) of the Iowa Code clarifies when a medical condition is known to exist. For disability applications, a medical condition is known to exist on the date the membership commenced if it is reflected in any record or document completed or obtained as a result of the System’s medical protocol (medical entrance exams) or in a document obtained during the disability application process.

Disability Benefit Plan

Accidental Disability

A pension equal to 60% of the average final compensation. The pension will be based on the Service Retirement Benefit formula if that formula results in a higher benefit. This pension is eligible for the annual escalator.

NOTE: Optional forms of benefits are not available for disability retirements.

Ordinary Disability Benefit

The member is eligible for (a) or (b):

(a) If five or more years of service, a pension equal to 50% of the member’s average final compensation
(b) If less than five years of service, a pension equal to 25% of the member’s average final compensation

The pension will be based on the Service Retirement Benefit formula if that formula results in a higher benefit. This pension is eligible for the annual escalator.

NOTE: Optional forms of benefits are not available for disability retirements.

Policy Statement - Mental Injury Factors

The Board has adopted a policy statement regarding mental injury factors. Select the link below to view.

Policy Statement - Mental Injury Factors

Other Requirement of Accidental and Ordinary Disability Benefits

Medical Re-Evaluation

The System may review the medical records of all members who are under age 55 and who retired on account of disability. The purpose of this review is to determine which members should be medically re-examined with the possibility of return to active employment.

Earnings Test

All members on disability retirement are required to submit to the System, annually, a complete copy of their federal and/or state of Iowa income tax reporting form with the exception of a member who is 55 or older. Additional documentation may be requested from the member to determine gross wages. The System reviews the reports and shall reduce the member’s monthly disability allowance if the member’s earnings exceeds the difference between the member’s disability allowance and one and one-half times the current earnable compensation of an active member at the same rank and pay scale the disabled member held at retirement (Per Iowa Code Chapter 411).

Temporary Disability Payments


No age or service requirement. Non-permanent disability incurred in the line of duty. The retirement System defines “non-permanent” as a period of less than a year. These benefits will be paid by the individual city from the city’s trust and agency funds or the city’s general funds and the determination of the eligibility rests with the employing city.

Benefit Description

Continuation of “full pay and allowances” until the member is determined to be recovered to return to work or permanently disabled.