MFPRSI. Municipal Fire & Police Retirement System of Iowa

Application Process

An active member may apply for disability retirement benefits from MFPRSI or the Chief of the Department for whom the active member works may file for disability retirement for individual members. The Chief may apply in cases where, in the judgment of the Chief, the member is no longer able to perform the necessary functions of a firefighter or police officer.

To be eligible for a disability benefit, the member must be a "member in good standing," which means any member in service who has not been terminated by the employing city. Termination procedures initiated by the chief of police or chief of the fire department do not become final or adversely impact a member’s status as a member in good standing until all appeals provided by an applicable collective bargaining agreement or by law have been exhausted. Disciplinary action other than discharge does not adversely affect a member’s status as a member in good standing.

If a member is not a “member in good standing” after all appeals have been exhausted, disability benefits will terminate, and the member will be required to return all disability benefits received plus interest to MFPRSI.

The Process

The complete disability process contains a number of steps which are designed to facilitate a decision in the case that is consistent with the requirements of the governing statute and which protects the rights of the member and their employing city.

  1. INITIATION OF APPLICATION: The process originates as a request for application to the retirement system by the member or the chief of the department. MFPRSI sends an application to the member or chief. Included with the application for disability retirement is a form, "Questions and Answers Concerning 'Ordinary' and 'Accidental Disability' ".
  2. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING: Forms are completed and forwarded to the retirement system. If the forms are not complete, they will be returned for completion. When all forms are completed, a letter or email is sent to the member, Chief of the department, and the city's administration stating that an application has been received.  MFPRSI contacts the listed physicians for copies of the files on the individual and requests any films be sent to the Medical Board. Copies of the medical information and application are forwarded to the Medical Board for review.
  3. SCHEDULING OF APPOINTMENTS: Upon receipt of a completed application and after sufficient medical information has been forwarded to the Medical Board, MFPRSI schedules an appointment for the applicant to be seen by the Medical Board in Iowa City. The member is notified by phone and in writing of the appointment and given general instructions about where to go, who is responsible for payment for the appointment, and information about reimbursement for travel expenses.
  4. MEDICAL BOARD EXAMINATION: The Medical Board, consisting of one physician from the University of Iowa Occupational Medicine Clinic and one physician from each medical department as required, medically examines the member and performs relevant tests and examinations pertaining to the disability the member is applying on. The Medical Board submits a letter of recommendation to MFPRSI based on their findings as to whether or not the member is found to be "permanently" disabled (defined as a condition that will continue for at least one year).
  5. ADMINISTRATIVE COMMENT: Upon receipt by the retirement system, the Medical Board's letters and supporting notes are distributed to the member and to the employing city for review. The member and the City may forward written statements to MFPRSI pertaining to the medical aspect of the letters within ten days of transmittal. If relevant information is contained within the written statements received from the City or the member which requires medical comment, the Executive Director may, prior to making a determination, solicit the Medical Board review and comment concerning the information.
  6. ADMINISTRATIVE DETERMINATION: The Medical Board's letters, supporting medical tests, and the information maintained in the member's file are reviewed by the Executive Director or designee who makes a determination of disability. Upon reaching a determination, a letter is sent to the member, the member's department chief, and the employing City with the determination and copies of the letters submitted by the Medical Board (see Note below). Included with the determination letter is the Release of Information form, "Questions and Answers Regarding Regulatory Requirements: Taxation, Earnings Test, and Re-examination for Return to Work".
  7. APPEAL RIGHTS: The member and/or the City may appeal the decision in writing within 30 days of the date of the initial letter of determination. Notice of the hearing shall be given at least thirty days prior to the scheduled date of the hearing
  8. APPEAL COMMITTEE: If an appeal is filed, an appeal hearing is established with a committee made up of three members of the Board of Trustees. MFPRSI Exhibits for the hearing are provided to each party to the appeal prior to the date of the hearing. Hearings are conducted in accordance with MFPRSI's Administrative Rules. Both the member and the City have the right to bring evidence and testimony before the committee.
  9. BOARD OF TRUSTEES: The Appeal Committee sets forth a statement of the case, findings of fact, the recommended decision, and brings a recommendation to the full Board of Trustees at its next meeting for discussion and the Board's decision. The decision of the Board on behalf of the retirement system is distributed to all parties.
  10. JUDICIAL REVIEW: If any party to the appeal disagrees with the decision of the Board of Trustees, a certiorari action may be filed in District Court. The District Court's review is limited to questions of law.

Note: The date the original decision is made is the date that benefits will begin (if applicable). If benefits are approved, and the decision is appealed, the member continues to receive payments pending the outcome of the appeal. If, after the appeal process is concluded, the award of disability is overturned, the member may be required to repay the amount already received, or upon later retirement, may have payments suspended until the amount is recovered by the retirement system.